Investigate and on the authority of the Attorney-General prosecute serious offences that involve:
(i) Financial or economic loss to the Republic or any State entity or institution in which the State has financial interest,
(ii) Money laundering,
(iii) Human trafficking,
(iv) Prohibited cyber activity,
(v) Tax fraud, and
(vi) other serious offences;
- recover the proceeds of crime
- monitor activities connected with the offences specified in paragraph (a) to detect correlative crimes;
- take reasonable measures necessary to prevent the commission of crimes specified in paragraph (a) and their correlative offences;
- disseminate information gathered in the course of investigation to law enforcement agencies, other appropriate public agencies and other persons the Office considers appropriate in connection with the offences specified in paragraph (a);
- co-operate with relevant foreign or international agencies in furtherance of this Act; and
- perform any other functions connected with the objects of the Office.